Super Simple Animations


Need an animation created in only a few minutes?

With the QSHOT2 Blender addon, you can create robust animations in only a couple of minutes. Manage camera moves,and object transformations like movement, rotation and scale, with just a few clicks of a button. It's all incredibly simple and easy to use.

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QSHOT2 is an addon for Blender 3.0+ which allows users to quickly create camera animations for advertising, visualization or just for fun. The new version has all new driver animations which are easy to apply to any object in your scene. It’s goal is to streamline the creation of animations and provide a non-destructive model for editing the timeline.

The goal is to create a very simple addon which should be easily understood and used by novice and experienced users alike.

So, the premise is that you can create several "from Point A to Point B" camera animations. These are called "SHOTS." Each shot has a duration in frames, and a defined motion interpolation (linear or ease in/out). 

You can stack them on top of each other to create a timeline animation so that when you "Render Animation" they will all render as a single animation. At any time you can change the duration, motion interpolation or even the order of the shots.

You can also create driver animations for any object in your scene. So, what are driver animations? It is now possible to add driver equations to any of the object transformation values. So, for instance, if you add a linear animation to the Z axis rotation for a control panel knob, it will begin turning as soon your animation starts and continue turning until it is over. And, if you like, you can set the start and stop frames as well. You can do this for any access as well as add drivers to both the location and scale values as well. Furthermore, you can also add a pulse driver which in the case of our knob example would have the knob turn one direction, and then turned back the other direction and continue until you tell it to stop.

Once you are satisfied with your animation, you can render it all at once, and because QSHOT2 animates cameras, you can use it with EEVEE and the new faster Cycles.

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